Maulana Mohammed Ilyas is among those scholars who lit an ideal candle for girls’ education. He was born in Mela Raiganj, Barabanki, Utter Pradesh in 1936. After getting early education at his native village, he began his academic journey from Madarsa Noorul Uloom in Bahraich. After that, he got enrolled at the famous institution Darul Uloom, Deoband where he sought guidance from its distinguished teachers like Sheikhul Hadith Hazrat Maulana Fakhruddin Saheb, Hazrat Allama Mohammed Ibrahim Balyawi, Maulana Wahiduzzaman Kiranvi, Sheikhul Adab Hazrat Sheikh Abdul Wahab Mahmood Misri for four Years. He started teaching in Jamia Imdadul Uloom on the advice of the scholars of Darul Uloom Deoband. While continuing his academic journey, he laid foundation of the institution “Idara Talim-wa-Tarbiat” in his home town Barabanki.
Later on, he handed over the responsibility of this institution to Hazrat Maulana Rashiduddin (son-in-law of Hazrat Maulana Husain Ahmad Madni) and spent some time in Dawa’t (preaching). On the request of the third Ameer-e-Jama’t, Maulana Mohammed Inamul Hasan, he started teaching Hadith in Madarsa Kasheful Uloom at Hazart Nizamuddin, New Delhi, which is still continuing by the grace of God.
Now, began the third stage of Hazrat Maulana’s academic mission. To achieve this goal and as per the suggestions of Maulana Mohammed Inamul Hasan, Ameer-e-Jama’at, and Hazrat Maulana Mohammed Umar Palanpuri, he enrolled his daughter Sarah in Jamia Salehat, Malegaun who later on played an important role in Jamia’s development,. After her graduation, Jamia Tul Banat al-Islamia was established at the house of Maulana’s wife at Khusro Nagar, Hazrat Nizamuddin, New Delhi in 1996, with initiation of just two students. In a short span of time Jamia gained an extra ordinary progress. The strength of students increased up to 200.
In view of increasing number of students as well as their lodging and fooding, another building of Jamia had to be built at newly populated Muslim area viz., Shaheen Bagh, Okhla which has become an ideal institution for the girls’ education in its present shape after five years of hard struggle.
The scope of Maulana’s work has developed in several directions. Apart from Jamia, Maulana is not only connected with Dawa’t, but is also actively involved in it. Thus his work encompasses both the fields of academic as well as research. For example, his academic work includes;
- Research on ‘Hayatus Sahaba’ (Stories of noble companions).
- Research on ‘Abwab Muntakhaba’ (Selected chapters).
- Research on ‘Adab ul Mufrad’ (Unique science).
These books have been published at both the national and international levels. The efforts of his overall services are continuing and have been considered as medicine for Muslim community’s pain. May Allah make his efforts and endeavors more fruitful and May Allah give him long life.